Bigge Street delivers social housing to Liverpool, that the occupants and neighbourhood alike, can be proud of.

Bigge Street
Hutchinson Builders, Land and Housing Corporation, NSW Government
2018 - 2022
Site area
1,758 sqm
Warwick Farm, NSW
Indigenous Country
Cabrogal - Dharug Nation. Borders with Tharawal Nation
3,908 sqm
Bigge Street answers NSW's urgent need for social housing, particularly in Liverpool, where the wait time exceeds 10 years.
The project showcases the possibility of providing high-quality and cost-effective design outcomes simultaneously.
The character and materiality of the project is driven by the long-term performance of the building, including maintenance, longevity, and the sensitive needs of social housing residents. Durable materiality was selected, such as the precast facade and minimised paint usage.
The lobby, distinctly identifiable from the street, features an oversized address imprinted into the precast panels. The interiors are softer, including coloured highlights and plenty of storage.
The ground floor landscaped areas and communal open spaces provide amenities that respond to the diverse needs of residents.

“The strong form and refined material palette offers a handsome building that the occupants and neighbourhood can be proud of.”
Stephen Cox