Melrose Central will transform an isolated, industrial precinct into an active, connected community immersed in landscape.
Melrose Central
2022 - Ongoing
Site area
18,068 sqm
Melrose Park, NSW
Total GFA
73,948 sqm
Non-residential GFA
30,382 sqm
Indigenous Country
Wallumedegal & Dharug
Located in the Melrose Park urban renewal precinct, the new Town Centre will transform a currently isolated area surrounded by established residential communities, into a fully mixed-use community.
The development reinforces key through site links established in the masterplan and uses these to naturally split the large development site into smaller building footprints at grade that are suitable for a finer grain ‘walkable city’.
Four natural quadrants and buildings are formed that define the key civic corners. These 4 buildings are separated by the arrival gateways that lead into the retail heart of the site and a fine grained and active street level experience.
To emphasis the identity of the corner buildings, each quadrant has it’s own distinct colour palette of various materials, textures, and key place-making elements.